Are you interested in becoming Catholic? If you are not Catholic and have been attending Mass with your spouse, a family member or friend, and you are interested in looking into becoming Catholic, we invite you to call the Parish Office at (724) 478-4958 to discuss the RCIA process [Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults]. This process is a restoration of the ancient practice of initiation into the Church, whereby men and women, responding to an often inexplicable call, are formed by the local faith community around the Word of God. The program is designed for individuals who are either unbaptized or who are baptized in another Christian Community and who seek full communion with the Church. Those who were baptized as a child but who have not been confirmed are also welcome to participate. When you enter into the RCIA process there is no obligation or expectation placed on you. The decision to become a Catholic can be made at anytime during the process or you can also decide that it is not for you, or that this is not for you at this time. The process typically begins in early September and runs through the Easter Vigil. While learning the Faith is really the work of a lifetime, the RCIA process takes a systematic approach to teaching the Creed, the Sacraments and the moral teachings of the Church, while remaining continually grounded in prayer and the Sacred Scriptures. Upon reflection, study and discernment of God’s word, RCIA candidates are led to the sacraments of initiation at Easter.